You may feel butterflies at the mention of “minimizing”. It seems some are disgusted with the whole minimalism movement. For some reason, people have felt pressured to conform to some standard of doing without or giving up all their worldly possessions in order to be considered a “good person”.
I’m not sure where all this is coming from, but the idea of minimalism is to simplify your life, provided clarity to both your physical and mental space. De-cluttering would be a safer, more resonant term. if you struggle with the idea of sitting cross-legged in a bare room with no furniture, then you have missed the essence of the idea.
Minimalism is meant to be a lifestyle choice that clears out the excess baggage in your life. Clutter can be overwhelming, especially in a busy lifestyle where you can’t find anything. The extreme is hoarding, which occurs when people have experienced a lot of losses and grief. They excessively hold on to material possessions (or even people or animals) that make them feel safe and loved.
Of course, there are many positions on this spectrum. Sometimes you keep things you have forgotten about, or intend to fix or use “one day.”
The other extreme is when you realize all the things you have been moving with or carrying around for years are just excess weight. They are taking up space without adding anything to your life. This is when the things you own have secretly begun to own you.
It is especially difficult to get rid of nostalgic items – such as photos, gifts, or collections that once made you feel like this was your identity.
Either way, it is always a choice. No one is forcing you to go without. Perhaps it isn’t the right time to face your fear of scarcity. And, in your life, it is always you who has the freedom to choose what you really need or enjoy within your space.